How to keep dog food fresh taste?
Material: storage box, the amount of desiccant pack (studio buy), a pocket clip, a few plastic bags, newspapers stack.
1, put the newspaper: first check is complete inside and outside the storage box inside to dry. In the bottom of the storage tank pad thick layer of newspapers, because newspapers can be moisture-absorbent, so you can put some more.
2, desiccant: Every snacking can also be used in reusable desiccant
3, the plastic bag: the dry feed into a plastic bag to avoid dry feed both the taste and functionality of the long put oil drain, ensure that feed is not stale. Desiccant pack in a plastic bag and then put the number of desiccant pack Ke Yi placed to scale the amount of feed. Sealing the bag when the first air squeezed out of the fold can be fixed with clamps
4, the storage box: the plastic bag into the storage tank is completed, the dry feed into the box, close the lid on it.